Tuesday 10 May 2011

Making your own Nail Polish Colour

Easy, fun, affordable!

What you need:

1) Unwanted base coat or top coat

2) Unwanted colour pigment (From eye shadows/ Blushers)

3) Blotting Paper

4) Toothpick

For some strange reason I have 3 bottles of base coat which i know I'll never be able to finish using them. I just pick a brandless, depleting bottle.

You know how you like to buy eye shadow palettes and end up using at most 2 of the shades? There will be some bright and vibrant ones which your eye doesnt have a need for. I already removed the desired colour

Step One

Remove your desired colour from the palette. I just used a penknife and outlined the sides of the metal holder. Alternatively, u can gently heat up the base of the palette for easier removal.

Step Two

Use a toothpick to scrape out the pigments onto a blotting paper. A blotting paper is better as you wouldnt waste too much of the final polish.

Step Three

Pour the base coat and mix in. Just add in till there's no more solid powder left, be careful not to 'over-pour' the base coat

Step Four

Scrap them into the empty base coat bottle and Ta-Da!

Add some solvent with a dropper if the result is too thick. There, you now have a new bottle of polish you can apply :)

Note: I think by now you should be eager to try it out! but uou should only do this with old/obselete items. Don't waste them :)

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